About Us

Olivia Froudkine was born in 1974 in Milan. She studied International Penal Law and Art History in Paris before moving to the United States where she spent eight years after completing the General Studies Program at the International Center of Photography (ICP) in NYC. She began her career as a photojournalist, focusing on women’s fate during conflicts, and she collaborates with French and foreign magazines. She participates in group and personal exhibitions in Paris, New York City, and Europe. Arrived in Dubai in 2013.

 Marie-Jeanne Acquaviva was born in 1973 in Paris. She studied French literature at La Sorbonne, her PHD was focused on literary hoaxes from the XVII century : women authors passing for men, fiction passing for real letters. She worked in French publishing as and editor for over 10 years, shared a food and autofiction blog focused on how cooking habits and recipes are linked to our intimacy, with a Russian and an Italian partner. Later became a translator, and have been writing portraits and conducting interviews for various French and English publications in Dubai. Arrived in Dubai in 2015.